Monthly Archives: March 2013

A Quick Update

Since outing Toni Ingram and her team of trolls, they’ve been busy trying to clean up after themselves.  Sock accounts have been cleaned, posts removed, and everyone’s scrambling to try and appear like they’re just concerned citizens, instead of people with real twisted ideas of morality and truth.  People, in other words, who can’t be trusted to tell the truth about anything.


While my blog linked and PROVED what I was speaking of, these people continue with the fake accounts, fake blogs, and fake statements about me, Tricia, Marcie, and anyone else who doesn’t agree with the Ingrams.  They have proven nothing — linked nothing — that backs their allegations about me or the others the continue to slam.  Any intelligent person can take 5 minutes and see the truth is not as told by Team Toni’s Troll.  I guess since they lack intelligence, they assume everyone else does, too.   After all, they continue to try and trick Anonymous’ around the world, who more than anybody can see through their sock accounts, lies, and manipulation.  They’re asking for trouble.


Here are some of the newest accounts:




@MorganWasMurdered (Toni’s sock account)



These people are friends of the original group of trolls that showed up with Sarah Afshar, the same people who’ve cyberstalked and made defamation blogs against one man for over 10 years.  They are professional trolls.   Any Anons who would like the links to those accounts, feel free to contact me.


Anyone who has to go to that extreme to try and prove their point, has no point.  The truth should speak for itself, as it does at  Buying people to slander/libel/defame the people who oppose you is an act of desperation, and in time, those very trolls will turn on their “boss”.  Toni, they will try to extort you in time, just wait and see.


Once again, if this Toni truly believed her own story, was deeply entrenched in what she says happened, then sticking to her story in an unwavering manner would have earned her respect, sympathy, and the help she claims she wanted.  Instead, she chose the route of libel, attacks, and paid cyberbullies to try to force her story to be believed.  It doesn’t work that way.  She just made herself look bad.


While she scrambles to clean house, make new sock accounts and blogs filled with lies about children, we are documenting, taking notes, contacting authorities, and watchfully waiting for all the documentation to come together.


We are taking the legal route; they are taking the criminal route.


We are dealing in facts; they are relying on psychics and trumped “evidence”.

We use reason and logic; they use lies and defamation.


We will prevail.

Categories: Morgan Ingram | 1 Comment

The Bizarre Case of Toni Ingram and her Trolls

Last year a woman named Toni Ingram started a blog. This blog was to commemorate her daughter, Morgan, who had committed suicide the previous December. Toni, however, believed that Morgan was stalked and killed by a neighbor boy. She wrote her blog on a day-by-day basis, taking from notes and memory from the year before, leading her readers down a trail of fear and shock as the “stalking” escalated.

At first.

This blog was shared over on a true crime forum called Websleuths. Many of us followed the blog. Most felt Toni was telling the truth and agonized over Morgan’s death.

I never believed it. It didn’t sound like a stalking; more like perhaps natural phenomenon or at most kids playing around. The “stalking” did not follow the recognized pattern of a stalker. But more importantly, I noticed that when readers would comment on the blog, suggesting various differing scenarios, that Toni would then incorporate those suggestions into subsequent blogs. It was more like she was trying to write a novel or movie of the week.

Finally, the police reports, autopsy reports, toxicology screens, and murder investigation reports were released, and we were all able to view the case from both sides. It was apparent to all but a few die-hards that Toni – at the very least – was delusional, at most was potentially dangerous. Munchausen by proxy was mentioned by several people in the psych field, as well as a new phenomenon called Munchausen by Internet. Either way, there was no stalking and there was no murder.

The true crime board closed discussion on the case after it was decided Morgan had killed herself, since no crime had been committed. A group of us created our on board to continue investigation of the case. Our group (and yes, there are many of us involved) decided to make the official documents available for other people who wanted all the details of the story they were reading, so we put up our own website, so people would make informed decisions about the case before donating money or investing emotion. We later added another site.

Toni, undeterred, continued to insist that a stalker penetrated the perimeter of her home, passed unnoticed by at least 6 cameras, lights, and motion detectors; past dogs and the Ingrams themselves; into Morgan’s room and held her down while they injected her with liquid amitriptyline as part of a “date rape cocktail”; waited hours for her die, sexually molested her, then got away, without leaving a single trace of evidence.

Thing is, none of this happened. There was no cocktail of drugs, only the two Morgan ingested and their metabolites. There was no struggle, no rape, no forced ingestion. There was no injection of medication, as there was pill residue in Morgan’s stomach with a massive amount of a medication she herself had been prescribed for years. This was no accidental overdose, this was suicide. Morgan had fought with her mother the night she died, called her a bitch, and told her to leave her alone. Those were Morgan’s parting words to her mother.

So it would appear that the blog, the accusations, the crazy descriptions of this superhuman ninja kid getting into a house guarded by several cameras, motion detectors, security lights, dogs, and keypad locks were just the ramblings of a grief-stricken mother.

So, you might ask, who cares? Why do I personally care if this woman writes her blog?

Good question.

I care because Toni went beyond grief, to evil and vindictiveness. She named the neighbor boy by full name, calling him a rapist and murderer, even saying he has done this before and will do it again. Keep in mind he wasn’t even in the same state through much of the “stalking”, and was questioned and cleared by law enforcement. But, because of Toni’s blog, his name will forever be associated with rape and murder, and this could effect future employment and even relationships.

Toni didn’t stop there. She included this guy’s girlfriend at the time, her father, his mother, and depending on her mood, others in the neighborhood. These people are now trying to defend their reputations from a woman who has found a way to capitalize on her daughter’s death (note the “donate” button on her site).

Even then, it’s none of my business, so again, why do I care?

I care because Toni started allowing comments on her blog endorsing harm to these people and their children. Toni is fully responsible for the content of her blog. She moderates all comments, disallowing hard-hitting questions and allowing self-gratifying glorification and comments of violence. She allowed a comment specifically calling for the girlfriend’s infant to be kidnapped and murdered “so she’d know how it felt”. Toni commented afterward that violence wasn’t called for, but she’s the one who allowed the threatening comment to appear in the first place.

I do this for the kids. Advocating the murder of an infant is NOT okay ever, I don’t care how grief-stricken the responsible party is, and the responsible party is Toni Ingram.

When Toni realized that we weren’t going to leave her alone, were going to make sure everyone had the same chance to view the official documents that we had, she took a turn from evil to vile.

All of the sudden a group of newly-created Twitter accounts cropped up, all making accusations against these people, but going further. Now, keep in mind that for the most part, these are all new accounts and they follow only one an another. We believe “they” are in fact just a few people, and there are many clues that point to that, but they persist. Also keep in mind, the only common denominator is they are all followed by and follow @Morgansstalking, Toni’s Twitter account.

They’ve taken to creating blogs about me, a woman named Marcie __________, the woman who runs Websleuths, Tricia, and a few other people. They’ve decided we’re all the same person, or I’m pretending to be them, but sometimes they’re pretending to be me. . . actually, it’s kind of confusing.

The truth is, we are all individual people and have never impersonated the other. I’ve been accused of slandering/libeling Sarah Afshar, a friend of Toni’s who wrote a one-sided article on Morgan’s death. In reality, I don’t talk about her at all in my tweets or blogs because she’s a non-issue. To me, she’s not relevant to the case, so I’m not going to bother being side-tracked. There are others who have written about her, and it’s convenient for these Twitter trolls to pretend we’re the same person so they can accuse me of what others have said, but it’s all just a game. None of my group has been involved in libeling Sarah.

The trolls have claimed I’ve made death threats to Sarah and Toni, yet fail to show proof of this. They claim I sent naked pictures to Steve, Toni’s husband, but again fail to show proof. They claim all kinds of things; none of which have been proven by any of them. It’s just an attempt to discredit me, and by extension, discredit our blog site listing the truth.

These people have tried to manipulate Anonymous into DOXing me, have lied to anti-bullying sites, trying to discredit me, and have made the most outrageous claims that my daughter and I can only sit and laugh over them. They’ve also accused me and Marcie’s son of being pedophiles, thinking they can manipulate Anonymous into shutting us down. What they don’t know is I’ve invited a member of Anonymous full access to my sites, proving we have nothing to hide.

So, while I’ve been honest over my identity, have stated nothing but facts, have backed everything with proof, and have kept vital information about Morgan secret in order to honor her memory, her mother has not. She has resorted to this made-for-TV attack on anyone who doesn’t believe her story, including the officials who agonized over Morgan’s death.

The official opinion on Toni Ingram? “Bat-shit crazy” was the phrase used to describe her.

She’s even taken to attacking her grandchildren’s mother, because she dared to step forward and admit publicly that some of Toni’s stalking “proof” was in fact faked by the Ingrams. And yes, I have proof she said that. I’ve screen capped EVERYTHING.

I’ve created this blog to show everyone I have nothing to hide. I don’t hide behind fake accounts. I don’t fake comments. I don’t pretend to be other people. I dare anyone to prove I’ve attacked Sarah Afshar on a personal level at all. I dare anyone to provide proof I’ve threatened Sarah, Toni, or Steve.

On the contrary, check out the things they’ve said about me:







Please remember that these names may or may not be real. They could be using other people’s names and pictures, especially considering some of the pics are mugshots. Also, there are many more Twitter accounts, but these are the most idiotic and show a good example of how even combined, their IQs don’t reach triple digits.

I invite any of the above Twits to make a coherent comment, not one scripted by the person paying them to tweet. I’m not afraid for my IP address to be captured on a site they put up. Why are they afraid to visit mine?

Toni Ingram is a sad, pathetic person who has resorted to insanity to make her look sane. That just doesn’t work. If she had stuck to her story, despite the opposition, she would have earned the respect of people following her story and lent credibility to what she had to say. Instead, angry that she doesn’t have a book or movie deal as planned, she’s spun out of control.

Now, go judge for yourselves.



I removed the last name of a certain person defamed by the troll, per her request.  Nothing else has been changed.

Categories: Morgan Ingram | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | 146 Comments

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